Coaching has traditionally been associated with sports. Every top athlete and team has a coach. In the last few years, coaching has become a part of the personal and business development ethos.

It is quite normal for someone to hire a coach to help them achieve their goals in their life and work.

Coaching is a partnership between coach and client. The coach helps the client get clarity and focus on achieving the results they want in their lives, personally and/or professionally.

If you are thinking about hiring a coach, it is ideal to look for a certified life coach, business coach, executive coach, career coach, relationship coach, wellness coach, etc. Make sure they have a reputable certification or equivalent experience with excellent recommendations. All good coaches do.

Here are nine reasons you may need a coach:

  1. I want improvement in key areas of my life. Coaching is not a substitute for therapy or advice from a professional counselor. If you feel that things could be better but aren’t sure how to start, then a coach would benefit you greatly.
  2. You want better for you. Very few of us don’t want to improve some aspect of our lives. Many people hire a coach because they know there is more in life for them and want to reach their full potential. People find great joy in living their purpose, and a great coach can help guide one to that personal greatness.
  3. You’re going through a big transition. Change is difficult for everyone, even for those that desire a great change. Life can have many great transitions, starting a new business, moving to a new city, going back to school, changing a career, etc.; these are great opportunities to work with someone who can help guide you in making choices that work for you and the outcome you desire.
  4. You’re a high achiever. Many go-getters hire a coach to help them organize, strategize and focus on effective ways to use their time and resources. We all have blind spots. A good coach can help in recognizing and working through those obstacles.
  5. You want more meaning. If you ask most people about their lives, they will express how busy they are with task items and to-dos. But ask that same person how much meaning they get out of those things, and the answer will be very different. Working with a coach can help you discover what you value and find meaningful ways of expressing it
  6. You want to take better care of you. Most of us are taught to put ourselves last. That our well-being and fulfillment fall last on the list, this is a false belief, and in fact, the opposite is true. You are the most valuable part of you. A good coach understands this fundamental truth and will work with you to adjust your perspective to help you discover your value and voice, and by doing so, you become better for all in your life.
  7. You want more meaningful relationships in your life. Some people have valuable and supportive friends, family, and colleagues. But these don’t happen by accident. They often develop because the individual has come to know his/her value and purpose in life and therefore attract like-minded people to them. A coach can help you discover those core values that will make your relationships more fulfilling.
  8. You want more money in your life. For some, the desire for more money has connotations of greed. In truth, money is freedom. Money gives us the freedom to do and be more. Money is not the problem, and it is the mindset around money and wealth that trips up most people. An experienced coach knows this and knows how to help people reveal and revise their beliefs around money and success.
  9. You want to invest in yourself. Shifting your focus to achieve the life of your dreams takes courage, vulnerability, and understanding. It’s why so many people live lives that are not fulfilling to them, not because they don’t want to, but they don’t believe they are worthy or that they can. Having a great coach will guide you through those false beliefs and habits and help you discover your value and purpose.

Are you ready to stop talking about your dreams and start living them? Are you ready to stop playing small? If you had the right coach in your corner, would you have the courage to step into your greatness? Only you can answer that.